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1. 名词  n.  如:Alice   China   book    orange    glass
2. 动词  v.  如:am     speak   spell    live (in)    write (to)
3. 形容词 adj. 如:tall   heavy  popular  windy     relaxed
4. 副词  adv. 如:quickly loudly  really   never      hardly
5. 冠词 art. 如:  a      an      the
6. 代词  pron. 如: I   them    your    ours   himself  ourselves   something    nobody   who  both   each   every
7. 连词  conj. 如:  and      but      or      so     though
8. 介词  prep. 如: in   with   of   near   beside   about
9. 叹词  interj. 如:oh   hi    hello   dear   
10. 数词  num. 如:one   twelve    first  second   third  ninth   twelfth   twentieth
1. 含义:表示人、事物、地方、现象或抽象概念等的名称的词。
2. 分类:专有名词和普通名词
3. 可数名词的单数表达法:一般可用a, an 来修饰 ,表示数量“一”;
注意: 在辅音发音开头的单词前用a; 在元音发音开头的单词前用 an ;
如: a car     a book     a key      a ruler     a dictionary      a boy     a peacock                                    
     an orange   an eraser   an egg   an apple   an hour    an umbrella
请区别:a useful machine(一部有用的机器)    a U u    an H    an hour
4. 可数名词的复数的变化规则;
(1) 一般在复数名词后加“s”:  如: dog – dogs    book – books
(2) 以s、x、ch、sh结尾的名词加“es”:box – boxes   watch – watches
(3)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加“es” : 
country – countries     factory – factories     dictionary—dictionaries
请区别:如果是元音字母加y 结尾的名词则只须加“s”
如:boy – boys     monkey – monkeys       key---keys
(4) 以o结尾的名词加“s” :
A: 没有生命的物体加“s”:radio–radios   zoo–zoos  piano--pianos   photo—photos
B: 有生命的物体加“es” :  potato–potatoes      tomato–tomatoes 
                          hero---heroes英雄     Negro—Negroes 黑人
(5) 以f、fe 结尾的名词,变f、fe 为v再加“es” :  
 half–halves       shelf–shelves       knife–knives       leaf–leaves 
5. 可数名词复数的不规则变化:
                 man--men   woman—women   tooth—teeth    foot—feet   goose—geese   mouse—mice
Chinese-Chinese    Japanese –Japanese   deer-deer   fish-fish    sheep-sheep 
a man doctor— men doctors   a woman teacher--women teachers
6. 不可数名词的表达:物质名词在表示数量时,常用某个量词+of来表示
一张,一块...: a piece of      一片...: a slice of\     一杯(玻璃杯)...: a glass of
一杯(咖啡杯)...:a cup of       一碗....:  a bowl of   一盒...: a box of
一套(书,西装等),一串(钥匙等): a set of      一篮子...:a basket of
一公斤...:a kilo of      一听...: a tin of    一瓶子...: a bottle of   一袋...: a bag of
注意:它们的复数,直接在量的单位后面加s, es 等,不可数名词后不能加
如:3杯牛奶   three glasses of milk
7. 名词的所有格:名词的所有格是表示名词之间的所有关系,有两种表示形式:
A. 在名词后+’s;    B. 用of, 表示 “……的”
1). Mr. Mott’s robot             children’s clothes            teachers’ books
2). Lucy and Lily’s room. (指两人共住一个房间) 
3). Mrs Green’s and Mrs Brown’s sons. (指两人各自的儿子)
4). 没有生命的事物一般用of 短语来表示所属关系。eg. the wall of the classroom
8. 有些可数名词或不可数名词在一定情况下可相互转化。
(1) glass(玻璃) a glass(玻璃杯)              paper() a paper(报纸)
   work(工作) a work(著作)              room(空间) a room(房间)
(2) fruit(水果) fruits (各种水果)            fish() fishes(各种鱼)
   hair(所有头发) hairs (几根头发)        time(时间) times(时代)
                            . 代词
1. 人称代词:形式
主语  I    you    he    she    it   we   you(你们)  they
宾语  me   you   him    her   it    us   you(你们)  them
用法口诀:   人称代词分两格,主格宾格来分说;主格定把主语作,宾格作宾不会错。
1). 主格在句中作主语时,一般放在谓语动词之前:
如:I am Chinese. 我是中国人。     We are good friends.我们是好朋友。
      He often plays basketball on the playground.他经常在操场上打篮球。
2). 宾格作宾语。放在及物动词或介词之后,有时在口语中,可以作表语;
如:I don't know her. (动宾)    我不认识她。
   Mr.Wang teaches us English.  (动宾)  王老师教我们英语。
   Let me help you. (动宾)  让我来帮你。
   What's wrong with him? (介宾)    Open the door, please! It's me. (作表语)
3). 人称代词并列用法的排列顺序:
如:You and I ;   He ,she and I ; You, he ,she , it and I
请翻译:我,你和她都是好朋友。.You, she and I are good friends.
B: 复数人称代词做主语时,排列顺序:第一人称--第二人称--第三人称;
如:We and you  ;  You and they;  We , you and they
请翻译:我们,你们和他们都喜欢音乐。We, you and they all like music.
如:She and I are in the same school.她和我在同一个学校。
    I and he make mistakes.我和他犯了错误。
3. 物主代词的用法:
形容词性的物主代词:my    our     your     your     his     her     its    theirs
名词性的物主代词: mine   ours     yours    yours    his     hers     its    theirs
1). 形容词性物主代词在句只用作定语;起形容词的作用,用在名词前。
例:1) This is my book. 这是我的书。 2)We love our motherland.  我们热爱我们的祖国。
2). 名词性物主代词则不能用作定语,起名词的作用;相当于省略了中心名词的 --'s属格结构,但可以用作主语、宾语、表语、连用of作定语。
A. 作主语:
如: May I use your pen? Yours works better. 我可以用一用你的钢笔吗? 你的比我的好用。   
b. 作宾语:
如:I love my motherland as much as you love yours. 我爱我的祖国就像你爱你的祖国一样深。   
c. 作介词宾语:
如:Your should interpret what I said in my sense of the word, not in yours.   
d. 作主语补语:
如:The life I have is yours. It's yours. It's yours. 我的生命属于你,属于你,属于你。
3). 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词
如:Those volleyballs are theirs. = They are their volleyballs.
4). 为避免重复使用名词,有时可用“名词性物主代词”来代替“形容词性物主代词+名词”的形式。
例:My bag is yellow, her bag is red, his bag is blue and your bag is pink.
注意:为避免重复使用bag,可写成:My bag is yellow, hers is red, his is blue and yours is pink.
4. 指示代词: this    these     that    those
1).it, one, that 作代词的区别
② one泛指上下文提及的同类事物中的一个。
2).it 的几种特殊用法
Who’s this boy in the picture? It’s me.
Who is it at the door? It’s Jim.
It’s easy to climb the hill.
I found it interesting to learn English.
只修饰可数名词: many,  a number of  the number of   few,   a few
只修饰不可数名词: much , little , a little
修饰可数名词、不可数名词: a lot of= lots of   some    any
重点一:a number of , the number of的区别
A:a number of +名词复数做主语时,谓语动词用复数。= many   许多
B:the number of +名词复数做主语时,谓语动词用单数。意思为:......的数量
①_________________ the students in our class is 54.
②_________________ students are planting trees.
③______________ workers in that factory are women workers.
④______________ the teachers in our school is very large.
重点二:few, a few, little, a little的区别 : 
A:little , a little 修饰不可数名词,little 表否定含义,a little表肯定含义;
B:few, a few 修饰可数名词,few表否定含义; a few表肯定含义;
① There are __________ minutes left. Be quick.
② Don’t worry. I have _________ money here.
③ There is _________ mutton left. Let's go to buy some.
重点三: some, any 的区别
some: 一般用于肯定句中,any: 用于否定句和疑问句中;
①I have __________ books, but I don’t have __________ pens.
②There is not ________ meat in my bowl. There is _________ chicken in it.
some有时也可用于疑问句中,表示劝告请求或建议。any 用于肯定句中,表示“任何一个”
①Would you like some tea?               ②May I ask you some questions?
③You can borrow any of the three books.    ④Would you mind giving me some water?
6. 复合不定代词
指人--肯定句:  someone  somebody  everyone  everybody
否定或疑问句: anyone  anybody
通用:         everyone   everybody  nobody     no one
指物---肯定句: something  否定或疑问句: anything
通用:         everything     nothing
重点:由every, some, any, no与thing, body, one构成的复合不定代词
A. 做主语,谓语动词用单数;
B. 如:Everyone is here. 每个人都在这儿。
Somebody gets tired. 有人累了。
 No one knows the news. 没有人知道这个消息
C. 有形容词要修饰不定代词时,要后置。
如:I have nothing important to tell you. 我没什么重要的告诉你。
Let's do something interesting . 我们做点有趣的事吧。
7. 反身代词:   反身代词表自身,句中可作两成分:表示强调同位语,宾语动作回自身。
   单数:   myself          yourself        himself    herself    itself  
   复数:  Ourselves        yourselves            themselves
1)enjoy oneself,---玩得高兴,过得愉快
如:We enjoyed ourselves at the party last Sunday. 上周日我们在晚会上玩得很高兴。
2)help oneself to,---随便吃....  如:Help yourself to some fish. 请随便吃鱼啊。
3 teach oneself  ---  自学   如:He teaches himself English.. 他自学英语。
如:Let Tony do it by himself. He is no longer a kid. 让Tony一人做吧,他不再是一个孩子了。
5) make oneself at home  使自己像在家一样
如:"Make yourselves at home." he said to his friends.
6)lose oneself in --- 沉迷于....
如:Don't lose yourselves in computer games, boys. 孩子们,不要沉迷于电子游戏。
                              . 冠词
1. 含义: 它是一个虚词,须置于名词之前,限定名词的定 义,表示名词所表示的人或物;
2. 分类:  a.不定冠词(a,an) b. 定冠词(the) c.零冠词(即在某些场合不使用冠词);
3. 关于 a 和 an:A:当单词的发音的第一个音节是辅音或半元音音标前使用 a,
                B:当单词的发音的第一个音节是元音音标前使用 an;
A:a  和   an  的用法:
如:I have a mouth, a nose and two eyes.
如:Yesterday I saw an old man. He’s Tom’s father.
如:A boy was waiting for you.
如:Pass me an apple, please.
如: Mr. Green goes to the cinema once a week.
定冠词用法有规律, 防止遗志很容易。 特指双方都熟悉, 上文已经被提及。
世上无二仅独一, 序数词和最高级。山河海岛建筑物, 姓氏复数奏乐器。
少数形表人一类, 方位名词须牢记。普构专有惯用词, 试用此诀有效率。
如:The book on the desk is mine.
如:Where are the new books,Jim?
如:There is an old woman standing there. The old woman looked worried.
如:the sun, the sky, the earth, the world, etc.
如:The third one is carrying the fewest of all.
如:the Himalaya Mountains, the Yellow River, the Red Sea, the Taiwan Island, etc.
如:the White House, the Great Hall of the People
如:the Greens, the Blacks, etc.
如:the piano, the violin, etc.
如:the old, the poor, the blind, etc.
如:in the east, on the right, in the centre, etc.
如:the People’s Republic of China, etc.
如:in the morning, by the way, look the same, etc.
如:The letter is in her bag.
        I have some questions.
如:China,water,music, etc.
如:We have English and math every day.
如:They are workers.
如:June 1 is  Children’s Day.
如:Headmaster Li came to Class One just now.
如:at night, go to school, by bus, day and night日日夜夜),brother and sister,hour after hour,
    here and there(到处),on time(准时), on duty, at noon, on foot, in autumn ......
D:定冠不定冠 意思差千万!!!有些名词前用冠词或不用冠词,其意义有所不同
at table  在吃饭--- at the table  在桌子旁   in class  在上课---in the class  在班级中
go to school去上学                 ---  go to the school到那所学校去
go to bed     上床睡觉             ---   go to the bed       到床那边去
in front of    在…的前面           ---   in the front of      在…的前部
in hospital   生病住院              ---  in the hospital     在那家医院
in bed          生病卧床          ---  in the bed             在床上   
by sea         乘船               ---  by the sea            在海边
on earth      究竟                --- on the earth          在地球上,在世上
on horseback  骑着马              --- on the horseback 在马背上
out of question毫无疑问            --- out of the question不可能的,办不到的
next year          明年           ---  the next year 第二年
a teacher and writer  一位教师兼作家(一个人)
a teacher and a writer一位教师和一位作家(两个人)
                                . 介词
A. 含义:又称前置词,是一种虚词。介词不能单独做句子成分。介词后须接宾语,介词与其宾语构成介词短语。
1、简单介词(Simple prepositions)    如:at ,by, for, in, from, since, through等;
2、复合介词(Compound prepositions) 如:onto, out of, without, towards等;
3、短语介词(phrasal prepositions) because of, instead of, on account of, in spite of, in front of;
4、二重介词(double prepositions) 如:from behind,   from under,   till after等;
5、分词介词(verbal prepositions) 如:during, concerning, excepting, considering, past等。
1with 和……一起, 拿着
  如:Would you like to go to the cinema with me?
      The teacher came into the classroom with a book in her hand.
2 about  关于
如:Do you know something about Tom?
    What about this coat?(……怎么样)= How about this coat?
3 after 在……之后
如:I'm going to see you after supper.
    Tom looked after his sick mother yesterday.(照看)
4across 横过
如: Can you swim across the river? 你能过河吗?
     Don't go across the street when the traffic lights are red. (介词)
    =Don't cross the street when the traffic lights are red.  (动词v. )
     Let's walk across the steet . 我们走路过桥吧。
5.  along 沿着
如:We walked along the river bank.
    Go along the street, turn right at the second turning. 在第二个转弯
6in 在……里        on 在……上面     under在……下面
  如:There are two balls in/on/under the desk.
7near 在……附近
  如:We live near the park.
     Excuse me . Is there a post office near hear?
8of ……的
  如:Do you know the name of the winner.
      John is a friend of mine.
9before 在……之前
如:I hope to get there before seven o’clock.
    He had left Alice before he was 40 years old.
10behind 在……后面
如:The sun is hidden behind the clouds.
    Don't hide behind the door. I have seen you. 不要躲在门后,我已经看到你
11by 到……时
 如:We had learned ten English songs by the end of last term.
     I must go to bed by ten o'clock at night.
12during 在……期间
 如:Where are you going during the holiday.
     Pandas sleep during the day .
13except 除了
 如:Everyone except you answered the question correctly.
     All the students went to the Great Wall except Wang Ying.
14for 为了
 如:The students are studying hard for the people.
     Here are some flowers for you!
 如:I come from Shanghai.
    My school is ten minutes' walk from here?
16to ,at朝……方向
 如:Can you tell me the way to the cinema.
     That man aimed at the bird.  (aim--瞄准)
17over 在……正上方
 如:There is a bridge over the river.
      Tom goes over his English every day.(复习)
18、round/around 围绕
 如:The students stand around the teacher.
 如:The car is traveling towards Beijing.
20 against 反对
如:Are you for or against me? 你反对我吗?
    Nothing could make me turn against my country.(背叛)
1. after 和 in 皆可表示时间在……之后。
区别为:after 1)表示“在某点时间之后”,用于将来时。
           如:We’ll go out for a walk after supper.
             如: My mother came home after half an hour.
         in 表示“一段时间之后”,用于将来时。 
             如: We’ll go to school in two weeks.
2、区别:in      by     with
1) in 表示“以...方式,用语言,文字等媒介”. He writes in black ink.(用…材料)
2)with指“借助于具体的手段或工具” The guard cut one boot open with a knife.
 如:She always goes to school by bike.(用……手段)
3、区别:between   among
  Can you say the differences between the two words?(两者之间)
  Premier Chou En-lai lives among the people forever.(三者或三者以上)
4、区别:besides  except
We have seen the crocodile besides Li Fang.(除…之外,还有)全部计算
We are all Chinese except Tom in our class.(除……之外)不计算在内
5、区别:on     over    above
  There is a boat on the desk(在某物面上,与此物接触。)
  There is a bridge over the river.
  She spread a cloth over the table.
  He held his heads above his head. (“在……上”,强调“高于。”)
6、区别:on    in     to
  Mongolia is on the north of China.(与中国接壤,不属于中国)
  Japan is to the east of China.(不属于中国,且不接壤)
  Taiwan is in the east of China.(台湾属于中国)
7、区别:since   for     since  + 时间点。表示从过去某一时间以来
                        for +一段时间。表示一段时间
  I have been living here since 1982.(自1982年以来,我一直住在这里)
  I have been living here for 20 years.(我已经在这里住了20年了)
8、区别:of     from
  The desk is made of wood(看得出材料)
  Paper is made from wood.(看不出材料)
  The bread is made up of flour, sugar and milk.(由数种成分组成)
8、区别:by     on
  He used to go to school by bike.(抽象概括)
  He came to school on this bike yesterday.(具体到哪一辆车)
10、of     about     on表示“谈及,论述”
  Do you know of American singer John Denver?(涉及浅层关系)
  I have never heard about him.(表示谈论等深一步的关系)
  This book is on grammar.(以……为主要内容)
11、through    past    across
  The new railway runs through the small town.(穿过)
  He walked slowly past the tall building.(从旁边经过)
  Go across the street when the traffic lights are green. (穿过平面)
12、by   with  通过……手段
  We write with a pen.(表示较具体的事物)
  There’s nothing to gain by waiting.(表示抽象)
13、by day(指白天) by the day(按日计算)
  I worked here by day and I am paid by the day.
14. 区别: at    in     on
A: 在某一月,在某一年,在某年某月,在某一季节,在早晨/下午.晚上; 表示地点,场所:在。。。里;在。。。上; 表示状态,情况,境遇,服饰:处于。。。中; 表示时间:在。。。期间;在。。。以后;在。。。时间内; 表方式;用介词 ____________
B: 在某年某月某日,某月某日, 在某一天,在周末,在某一星期,在…的早晨/下午/晚上
表示地点:在。。。上(与。。。接触); 引伸意义:从事。。。,处于。。。情况中; 表示关系:关于;论及; 用介词________
C.在某一时间点,某一时刻,表地点,表状态,在山顶,在山脚,在…结束时,表示速度,价格,表原因(因为,由于—说明某种情绪)表示动作方向;针对着;朝;向(某一目标移动; ,用介词 _________
15. 表方位的介词in, on, to, off的区别
in 表示在境内.                   on 表示相邻或在边界上, 不在境内.
to 表示在境外, 不接壤.            off 表示在海面上靠近海岸的地方.
16. across\ over\ through\ past
横穿,穿越, 表示运动发生在物体的表面--- across
跨过 越过,表示运动发生在物体的上方--- over
穿过,通过表示运动发生在某物的空间---- through
从—经过,表示运动发生在某物的旁边--- past
一. 含义:感叹词是用来表示说话时表达的喜怒哀乐等情感的词。
二. 二. 作用:它不构成后面句子的一个语法成分,却在意义上与它有关连,后面的句子一般
1. Oh :表示惊讶、指责、痛苦、称赞、懊恼等。“哦”、“哎呀”、“噢”“啊”、“呀”
如:“Oh, who was that?” Mr. Black asked.“哦,是谁?”布莱克先生问  
“Oh,  how blind you are!” he cried.“哎呀,你们真瞎!”他大声道。
2.  Ah表示惊奇、高兴、讨厌、懊悔、藐视、威胁等,可译为“呀、啊”等。
如:.Ah, yes, Jeanne married a man with a lot of money.
  “Ah, what splendid clothes!” thought the Emperor.
3. come表示鼓励、不耐烦、引起注意、安慰等,可译为“喂、好吧、说吧、得啦”
如:Oh,come, Mathilde.Surely you can tell an old friend.
  Come, we must hurry.喂,我们得赶紧啦!
  Come, come, get him his change.Tod,get him his change.
4.  dear表示后悔、难过、怜悯、同情、吃惊、盼望等,可译为“哎呀、天哪”等。
 如:Dear me! What awful weather!哎呀!多糟的天气! 
     Dear, dear! Where have I put my keys?哎呀,我把钥匙放在哪啦?
5. well:表示快慰、让步、期望、讥讽、解释、责备、犹豫等,
如:Well,your father has found him in the garage. 好啦,你父亲在车库里找到他了。
    Well,you must come to lunch tomorrow. 不过,你明天一定要来吃午饭。
6. now:表示警告、命令、请求、说明、安慰筹,
如:Now,now, you two;Don't fight again.喂,喂,你们俩,别再打了。
  Now, now, my boy!It's all right!There's no need to cry!
7. there:表示得意、鼓励、同情、悲哀、不耐烦、失望、安慰、挑衅、引起注意
如:There,there,you said too much.得啦,得啦,你说的太多了。
    There—what's that?哟,那是什么!
8. man:表示兴奋、轻蔑、不耐烦、引起注意、可译为“啊、嗨”等。
如:“Use you knife,man!” ordered the British officer nearby.
   Hurry up,man.嗨,快点。
9. boy表示高兴、兴奋、惊奇等,可译为“嘿、哇、哼、怎么样”等。
如:Boy,oh,boy!Our team's going to win!How fantastic!
   Oh,boy!I just had a wonderful dream!嘿,我刚才做了个好梦。
如:Ha! Pround as these nobles are, he is afraid to see me.
如:The trousers are all right; now the waistcoat; aha, right again.
3)hey(喜悦打招呼) 如:Hey! I didn't expect to meet you here. 嗨,我没想到会在这儿遇到你。 
如:They were about to go down. When Tum suddenly whispered. "Sh! Keep still. Don't move!"
  如:Why, what's the harm? 咳,这有什么害处呢?
如:"Nonsense," the king shouted. "My cook is the best cook in the world."
    “胡说!”那国王喊道,“我的 厨师是世界上最好的厨师。” 
7)Good heavens(惊异、不高兴)
 如:Good heavens! Listen to that silly child," said the father.
A. 从1—10:  one  two   three   four   five   six   seven   eight   nine   ten
B. 从 11——19  一般在后面加teen:  eleven,  twelve,   thirteen,  fourteen,   fifteen,   
                                  sixteen, seventeen,eighteen,  nineteen.
C.从 21——99  整数在后面加-ty   特殊: twenty, thirty,   forty, fifty, eighty....             
21-- twenty-one   32-- thirty-two  43-- forty-three ....
D.百位数: 101---  a hundred and one     345-- three hundred and forty-five
E.千位数以上:  thousand 千       million百万        billion十亿
二.如:320:  three hundred and twenty
    There are hundreds of people in the hall。会堂有成百上千的人
如:He became a professor in his thirties.他是在他三十几岁时当教授的
    It was in the 1960s.它是二十世纪60年代的。
如:The two happily opened the box.(主语)
    They three tried to finish the task. (同位语)
    She only likes one of the books given by her father.(宾语)
    Ten divided by two is fine.(主语补足语)
She's only seventeen.(表语)
I .如何朗读:
1,000以上数目,从右向左每三位用“,”分开,分别读为thousand , million, billion
43 ---- forty - three      59--- forty- nine     88--- eighty- eight  99--- ninety-nine
101---- one hundred and one       123---- one hundred and twenty- three
555----five hundred and fifty-five   777---- seven hundred and seventy-seven
4,321 ----- four thousand three hundred and twenty-one
7,654,321 -- seven million six hundred and fifty four thousand three hundred and twenty-one
1,987,654,321 ---
one billion nine hundred and eighty-seven million,six hundred and fifty-four thousand
three hundred and twenty-one
1999 ---- nineteen ninety-nine             2008 ---- two thousand and eight
1949年10月1日  读作: October (the) first, nineteen forty-nine (月-日,年)
                      the first of October, nineteen forty-nine(日-月,年)
写作:  October 1st,1999(日用缩写,月-日-年)
      October 1, 1999  (日用数字)
      1st October,1999日-月,年
表示“在…世纪”,  用序数词。在20世纪 写作:in 20th century
                                    读作:in the twentieth century
1. 含义:表示顺序的词称为序数词。
特殊:  first, second,  third,  fifth,eighth,ninth,twelfth
       1st    2nd      3rd     5th    8th    9th    12th  
B:其他: 添加“th”。如: sixth    tenth   fifteenth   nineteenth 
                      6th     10th    15th        19th
如:twenty--twentieth    forty--forieth    sixty--sixtieth
            20th          40th            60th
如:twenty-one----twenty-first       thirty-two---thirty-second
             21st                      32nd
    forty-three---thirty-third        fifty-four----fifty-fourth
             43rd                      54th
基变序,有规律, 一、二、三,特殊记,面目全非要注意,
加th从4起,八少“t”,九去“e”,“ve”要用“f”替,(five, twelve)
见“y”变成“i”和“e”,词尾加上“th”,(twenty, thirty,……ninety)
D.英语年月日的表达:① 月日年     2008年10月1日
                    月,日,年    Oct. 1st , 2008---October the first, two thousand and eight
E.年代世纪的表达法:20世纪90年代 --- in the 1990s ---in the nineteen nineties
F. in one’s + 整十基数词复数   在某人几十岁时----在他50多岁时---in his fifties

1   分子  基数词
5   分母   序数词       读作:one fifth
七分之二:two sevenths    四分之一:a quarter          四分之三:three quarters
二分之一:a half          三又三分之一:three and one third
80 % :  基数词 + percent---- eighty percent
3.78 :   three point seven eight
一倍    once,两倍    twice,
三倍    three times  (三倍或以上  基数词+times)
This box is five times as big as that one. = This box is four times bigger than that one.
①        A + be + 倍数 + as +adj.原+ as +B.
②  C + be + 倍数 + adj.比+ than +D.    C比D … …倍
一般编码用  名词 + 基数词
207房          Room 207
三年级一班     Class One Grade Three
第五部分       Part Five = the fifth part
第一课         Lesson One = the first lesson
3 号汽车       Bus No.3 = the No.3 bus
第一中学       No. 1 Middle School
                             第七类 形容词
一.含义:用以修饰名词,表示事物的特征的词。e.g.  long, empty, cheap, hungry, etc.
e.g.1). She is a brave girl and she can do anything. 定语
2). Mount Tai, the famous in our country, has been visited by millions of travelers every year. 同位语      
3). Who lets the door open?  宾语补足语      
4). I went to bed hungry.  状语      
5). You should keep the classroom clean.  宾语补足语
如:wooden, medical, real, elder, little , daily, weakly, latter, very, only, exact等
四. 多个形容词作定语时的排列顺序
如果两个以上的形容词修饰一个名词时, 与被修饰的名词关系较密切的形容词靠近名词; 如果几个形容词的密切程度差不多, 则音节少的形容词在前, 音节多的在后.
e.g. The little white wooden house smells as if it hasn’t been lived in for years.
县 (限)定词:(冠词、指示代词、不定代词、物主代词,序数词、基数词)
官 (观)外观和描绘性:多为表主观看法的形容词
行 (形)(大小、长短 、形状、高低、方圆等)
令 (龄)指年龄、新、旧等
宴 (颜)指颜色的词
国 (国)指国籍的词
才 (材)指材料、种类的词
E.g  .The first beautiful large long new red Chinese concrete bridge .
如:very, early, out, soon, quickly, fast, late etc.
如: My mother is out.                作表语
     The girl there is my friend.         作定语
     He runs fast.                     作状语
     I found him outside.               作宾补
. 形容词变为副词:
quick—quickly,  true—truly,   happy—happily,    possible—possibly.
            作形容词                  作副词
如:fast ----- a fast train              The train went fast.    
   hard----- The work is hard.         They worked hard.
   late----  the late marriage          arrive home late
. 大多数形容词和副词有三个等级:
1. 原级:  即原形 ----没有比较时用原形。
2.比较级:表示“较….” 或 “更…..一些” ----两者比较时;
3. 最高级:表示“最….”的意思----三者或三者以上的人或物作比较;
二.形容词和副词原级的常用句型:  as+原级+as   …和…一样
 e.g.  Rubby is as tall as Ailsa. Rubby Ailsa一样高。
    Wang Chaojie writes as well as Rubby.  王朝洁和Rubby写得一样好。
三.   形容词和副词比较级和最高级的构成:
1. 一般情况下,直接在形容词或副词的末尾 + er + est 构成比较级和最高级;
tall—taller—tallest       short—shorter—shortest      high—higher—highest
calm—calmer—calmest  wild—wilder—wildest        slow—slower—slowest
late—later—latest            fine—finer—finest      brave—braver--bravest
big—bigger—biggest          fat—fatter—fattest      thin—thinner—thinnest
easy—easier—easiest        busy—busier—busiest     funny—funnier—funniest
early—earlier—earliest       noisy —noisier—noisiest   lazy—lazier—laziest
beautiful-more beautiful-most beautiful
interesting-more interesting-most interesting
outgoing-more outgoing-most outgoing         serious—more serious—most serious
necessary-more necessary-most necessary   athletic—more athletic—most athletic
good/well—better—best        many/much—more –most     little—less—least
bad/badly—worse—worst      far—farther--farthest
1. 比较级句型:用于两者(人或物,但必须是同类事物)作比较。
a. 主语 + be +形容词的比较级 +than + 比较的对象。
b. 主语 + 实义动词 +副词的比较级 +than + 比较的对象。
:His computer is cheaper than mine.       Mary is much younger than her sister.
I got up earlier than my mother this morning.
My brother jumps farther than me.
如,He is getting taller and taller.他变得越来越高了。
  The flowers are more and more beautiful.花儿越来越漂亮。
  He does his homework more and more carefully.他做作业越来越认真了。
如,The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes you’ll make.你越认真,犯的错误越少。
注意1:同一类人或事物在某一范围内进行比较时,常用“比较级形式 + than any(other) + 单数名词”的句式。但必须把被比较的对象排除在比较范围之外。
如:Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China.
= Shanghai is bigger than any other city in that small country.
The Yangtze River is longer than any other river in China.
=The Yangtze River is longer t
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